Website Promotion through Internet Advertising
This article was published on: 07/10/15 10:10 AM by Nisar HaqInternet advertizing offers a wide variety of methods and strategies that can be extremely efficient, when it comes to promoting your business website. Marketing tools, such as SEO, banners and newsletter campaigns, all have different ways of reaching and engaging your potential customers. Here’s all you need to know about website promotion using internet advertizing:
How can you promote your website using internet advertizing
Establishing an online presence for your business is absolutely essential in this day and age. Ever since the first online ad in 1994, business owners have strived to come up with the next best thing, in term of effective online marketing campaigns. You will significantly increase your customer base by reaching out to the internet users that might have an interest in your products or services.
There are many ways of conducting an internet advertizing campaign, but there are 5 methods that have been proven time and time again to be successful. These methods are used by marketing agencies in marketing campaigns that they create for their clients.
- Getting testimonials and reviews from the current customers, and promoting them as recommendations;
- Analyzing data from search engines;
- Creating a link-back network;
- Creating newsletter campaigns, with easy-to-join mailing lists;
- Including customer-friendly features into the website’s design (such as online stores, secure payment options, etc).
Internet Advertizing Tools
These are the most popular online advertizing tools:
- Banners: These ads are horizontal content-boxes that sit at the top of a website page. This type of ad placement is extremely effective, and it can get the user from the current page to your website’s landing page using a single click. The banner design and content have to be eye-catching and engaging.
- SEO: The process of search engine optimization is done mostly by marketing agencies. They use keyword optimization, and results from the analysis of search engine data, as well as many other techniques, with the goal of achieving a good rank on search engines, and creating a better chance of the targeted audience reaching your website.
- Sky- Scraper Ads: These ads resemble banners, but the main difference is that they sit vertically, on either side of a website page, and they are constantly visible to the user, even when he scrolls through the web page he’s currently visiting. As with the banner, a single click can take them to your website.
- Pop-up Ads: These ads are displayed as soon as a web page loads. They can pop-up at the top of the page, or pop-down at the bottom of the page. The only way the user can make them go away is by clicking on them, thus getting his attention.
- Bridge (transfer) Ads: This type of ad will show up when the user is going from one page to another, within a website. The ads can be closed, but they are very efficient, because for as long as they are not closed, they occupy an entire web page.
- Leader-board Ad: This ad is ideal for displaying colorful and highly animated graphic content. The ad appears at the top of the page, and it has to be closed (thus seen) in order for the user to access the top part of the web page.
- Sponsored Ads: Sponsorship contracts allow you to use up a virtual space, on a web page, to display your logo and a link to your website. This is called regular sponsorship. The other type of sponsorship is for content. You can submit your content and your ad, and it will be displayed under the established terms and conditions. Sponsorship contracts usually come with a fixed ad campaign length.
- Pay-per-Click Ads: These ads are usually placed in a website’s landing page, and you will pay a pre-established fee for each click. This is a cost-effective method if it is used in conjunction with a strategically-efficient advertizing campaign created by a marketing agency.
How to tell if your Internet Advertising Campaign is effective
As with any business related course of action, you will want to analyze the feedback. When it comes to internet advertizing, the feedback you’ll want to analyze is the performance of the marketing campaign, and how your customer base responded to your actions. The following indicators are used in determining an ad campaign’s effectiveness by marketing companies:
- Conversion Rates: These rates will show you the number of visitors that have been converted into customers, as a result of your internet advertizing campaign.
- Hits: A hit is basically translated into a click. The amount of clicks that your online marketing tools get you is directly correlated to the amount of times visitors chose to click on your ads.
- Views: This indicator is similar to the hit. It tells you how many times your landing page has been viewed. This is a more accurate indicator, since hits can occur accidentally as well.
- Impressions: This is a measuring indicator that represents an ad that is displayed on a web page just once.
- CPM: The indicator shows you your costs/1.000 impressions.
- Traffic: The traffic indicator reflects the amount of viewers that your website has had. It includes numbers that are displayed for each of the website’s pages.
- Stickiness: This indicator will allow you to analyze the time spent by the user when visiting one of your website’s pages. It allows you to get to know the behavior of your targeted audience.
- Unique Visitors: These are the users that visit your website only during your online advertizing campaign.
- Click Through Rate: This rate shows you how many users have used the ads to find out more about your products or services, and it is calculated for each 1.000 impressions.
How to Track your Customer Base using Internet Advertising
Collecting information, about your targeted audience’s online behavior, and analyzing this data, is made possible through the use of cookies.
Cookies are a text file that contains information about the user’s behavior. There are two types of cookies:
- Session Cookies: This type of cookies collects information about the user’s behavior when he visits a website.
- Persistent Cookies: This type of cookies collects information about the user’s entire activity, including his behavior on all the websites that he visits.