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Why Your Business Needs a Facebook Page

This article was published on: 05/29/17 1:25 PM by Kimberly Aris
Most people are very familiar with Facebook and its social advantages, but not everyone is aware of the level to which it can help your business prosper. Facebook is a platform that is used as a digital marketing tool for many small scale businesses, but it can just as easily appeal to much larger enterprises as well. In this article, we will touch on the reasons why having a Facebook page can contribute to the success of a company and consequently why it is necessary for all business owners to have.

It’s free

This is a rare pleasure these days and must consequently not be taken for granted. Although Facebook may require you to spend some time developing something that is enticing, attractive and presentable, do not forget that this is a service that is provided to you free of cost and is therefore absolutely worth the effort. If time is an issue for you but money is not, perhaps consider hiring someone to create and manage your Facebook business page for you. Believe us when we say that it will be well worth it in the long run.


Facebook consists of over 1.94 billion active users and is therefore a magnificent way to get your name out and into the open. Also, one of the most important things about this platform is that, not only are people using Facebook, but they are doing it often. Research shows that 1.28 billion people log into their account daily. This therefore means that this social media is still very much alive and can be used for vast exposure. Create a Facebook page for your business and keep it updated and interesting by including pictures, external links, videos, a comment section which describes client satisfaction with your services and more in order to attract attention to your business.

Mobile ready

Another advantage of Facebook is that the platform can be accessed at any time or at any place that offers an internet connection through a digital device. The services and products you offer can therefore be mobile and, as a result, be shared visually amongst friends and colleagues to serve as a stimulating form of advertisement.

Targets your audience

Although there may be millions of people on Facebook, this obviously does not mean they will all be interested in the services you have to offer. That being said, through Facebook, you are able to target your ads so that only the people that would be interested in what you are offering receives your information. This creates an opportunity for you to increase the amount of “likes” you get on your page, and as a direct result, increase your exposure. Targeting your audience is also a great way to get people to leave comments on your page which will also allow you to better market your product. According to research, 42% of the marketing reports show that Facebook is an essential part of business marketing and contributes greatly to the development of a company. If you are a business owner and you have not yet created a Facebook page, do not hesitate any longer because the more you wait, the more benefits you will be missing out on.