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What you need to know about Digital Marketing

This article was published on: 10/14/14 9:35 PM by Russell Dean

Digital marketing has become such a huge concept but are you 100 per cent certain that you understand its specifics and implications? According to WebDAM statistics, 135 billion dollars will be spent on digital marketing by the end of 2014. By 2015, internet advertising will represent almost 25 per cent of the total mix.

Furthermore, more than 50 per cent of companies surveyed found a client through a social network like Facebook. B2B businesses that blog generate 67 per cent more leads than the ones that don’t.

These figures provide clear information about the importance of digital marketing for successful communication with prospects. Is your curiosity about it growing? Here are several essential facts about digital marketing that you need to know.

First Things First: What is It?

Starting the overview with a precise definition of digital marketing will be essential for dealing with any confusion on the topic.

The simplest explanation focuses on the presentation of information about products and services via digital channels. A company’s website, social media presence, blogging and content creation efforts can all be considered forms of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is highly targeted. In addition, it enables companies to monitor performance while the campaign is taking place. The audience’s engagement, the ability of the campaign to go viral and the effectiveness of the marketing message can all be assessed and adjusted easily.

Content is King!

In the past, marketers relied on straightforward promotional messages. Digital channels have completely revolutionized the world of promotion.

The audience today wants to have meaningful interactions with companies and brands. These people are looking for interesting articles, how-to guides, fun videos and slideshows. As a result, the quality of content has become determining for the success of a digital marketing campaign.

Audiences are no longer easy to please. The companies that succeed, however, reap great rewards. They start being considered industry leaders – a position that pays off in terms of reputation, brand awareness and profit generation.

Digital and Mobile are Becoming Bigger and Bigger

Digital marketing that targets smartphone and tablet users is constantly increasing in prominence. The reason for this brand new phenomenon is quite simple – the number of people relying on mobile devices to access websites is growing all the time.

According to Nielsen 2014 statistics, the time spent browsing through a mobile device has exceeded the time spent browsing through a PC or a laptop computer. In addition, the smartphone users spend more time on favourite social networks than people relying on a computer.

Digital marketing professionals have understood these trends and directed their attention to the mobile crowd. Numerous digital marketing campaigns have been designed with mobile device-friendliness in mind. As the mobile device market penetration increases, the role of this channel in the digital marketing mix is expected to grow.

Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of practices, channels and techniques. From Facebook to mobile app creation, advertising professionals have many possibilities to choose among. The cost-efficiency and targeting potential that such campaigns come with make them superior to traditional advertising promotions. As the overall use of online and digital resources is on the rise, the prominence of digital marketing is to increase even further.
