Logo design
& Branding

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Differentiate your business with a striking logo that ties in with your overall brand strategy

  • We’ll help you unify your brand identity across all mediums with an eye-catching logo, fonts and colour scheme.
  • We maximise your brand presence by creating print designs, style guides, catalogue designs and brochures that all showcase your logo and brand.
  • We use the best graphic designers and design software so everything we produce looks sleek and professional.

Creative ideas that Perform

Our branding process

1. We design logos that speak volumes of your brand

A logo is the cornerstone of your brand, so we’ll help you come up with a logo that uniquely identifies your business and helps tell its story. Our skilled graphic designers have an eye for creating beautiful logos that will help you stand out, and we’ll give you the opportunity to get involved in the creative process so we give you exactly what you want.

We also apply the principles of psychology when designing your logo to make sure everything from the font to the colour scheme will give the right impression and help sell your brand.

Once you’ve got a logo design you’re happy with, we can help you integrate it as part of your overall branding strategy.

3. We integrate your brand

Your brand needs to shine through in everything you do. Whether it’s your print materials, website design, social media platforms or video suite, your brand personality and key messages need to stand out. At Hype Creations, we take a strategic approach to all your digital marketing needs to make sure your customers identify with your brand and grow to trust you.

2. We create strong brand messages

When it comes to branding you need to make sure you get your key messages right. A strong brand gives your customers confidence in your business, because it helps them quickly understand what you’re all about and how you’re going to deliver to their needs.

But do you really have complete, clear answers when it comes to your identity and values? Maybe not, and that’s ok, because that’s where we can help.

At Hype Creations, we take the time to find out what makes you tick, what kind of image you want to present to prospective customers, and what your company values are. And once we’ve got that worked out, we’ll help you thread this through every aspect of your business including all your digital platforms.

4. We focus on consistency

Nothing looks more unprofessional than an inconsistent brand. Here, it’s our attention to detail that will make you stand out, because we understand how important first impressions are when it comes to promoting your brand online, in print and on the screen. When you engage Hype Creations, you can be confident that your entire suite of marketing materials will work together as a unified package to boost customer awareness, trust, and of course, sales.

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